EyeGiene Dry Eye Treatments
9000 Crow Canyon Rd s348 Danville CA 94506 +1 888-882-1978
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Are EyeGiene purchase eligible for HSA reimbursement

FSA and HSA Reimbursements for EyeGiene Products

EyeGiene Product Purchases are Qualified FSA-HSA Expenses

People who have Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) as part of their health insurance plans may submit their receipts for purchasing the EyeGiene® Insta-Warmth™ System. Refill orders for Warming Wafers also qualify for reimbursement.

EyeGiene Product Purchases Eligible Expenses for FSAs and HSAs

Dry Eye Disease is a recognized affliction by the medical community. So, treatments for dry eye disease are included as qualifying medical expenses for FSA and HSA reimbursement. Our EyeGiene System and Refills are “over the counter” items that do not require a prescription. But they still qualify!

What is a Flexible Spending Account (FSA)?

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